Design Mistakes to avoid for Restaurants in Singapore

Restaurant Interior Design Singapore
Gone are those days when only luxurious, high-end restaurants worry about how their interior looked and invested money into regular upkeep and upgrades. Today, any business that hopes to do well must take their décor seriously. After all, with social media becoming an integral part of our lives, nothing is hidden and everything is public knowledge.  Customers take selfies wherever they go and post photographs of their lives online, from what they eat for supper to where to have a good time. No business owner wants to see poor review or rating on social media where their poor restaurant interior becomes the talk of the town.  The online opinion is the only opinion that matters these days.

To help you create an inviting ambiance, we have listed restaurant interior design mistakes to avoid in Singapore.

Modern Interior Design Singapore

Clutter – No one likes clutter and mess, especially not in a place where we eat. Get rid of unnecessary and irrelevant elements when designing your restaurant.

Improper seating – Use existing space to elevate your restaurant, create a safe and comfortable environment.  Placing a table at every nook and corner does not equate the utilization of space. Don’t make your restaurant look like a low end eating joint. 

Bad carpet – Faded and dirty, out of style carpets do not belong in a well-designed restaurant. They are the biggest turn-off.  If you are unsure which design matches the décor, go for one with neutral colors and motifs.

Improper or no signage – Restaurants should be welcoming with clear signage. Patrons should be able to effortlessly find the exits, washroom, kitchen, and parking area.

Badly positioned doors – The least obvious is often the most noticeable when it comes to a well-designed space.  Bathroom doors in restaurants can often reveal the lack of attention to the overall experience. They can be awkward to use or do not close properly because they were often an afterthought.  They should work and be safe to use.

Contact the team of designers at Designed Design Associates for modern and sleek restaurant design in Singapore. Learn more at


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